The truth is, we waste too much of our time doing meaningless work. When we live by our passions, we are able to do what we truly love and leave our meaningless work to those who will find meaning in it.
The truth is, you will never please everyone with your decisions. Our parents, friends, or loved-ones will want us to take one path, but our passions may lead us in a different direction.
How comfortable do you feel giving true, open, and honest feedback? I’m guessing that the majority of you were uncomfortable criticizing another person, even if you had their best interest at heart.
It’s easy to get stuck doing a job that you’re good at, or that others tell you you’re good at, and not pursue what you love to do. However, taking that leap will lead to more joy, more success, and more longevity.
What if work was your real life, meaning your career aligned with your interests and passions, allowing you to live happily and work simultaneously? When this idea is put into action, you’ll find that the idea of work/life balance becomes unnecessarybecause putting more time and effort into one does not take away from the other.
For the next few blog posts, we will be exploring these myths/truths more in depth as we continue to tackle how you can find true meaning and success in your career.